

  1. If you’ve been a contractor for a while . . .

    You know about headaches that come with any project – risk of loss, regulation, code compliance, employees, warranty claims, liens, and – always – the need for more capital. If you’re looking for a better way to make a living in construction, consider a contractor I know. He doesn’t have these problems – and still […]

  2. Illegal Construction Contracts

    All states set standards for construction contracts. The notices and disclosures required by state law vary with the size of the job, type of work, materials used, who signs the agreement and even where the contract is signed. To see what’s required where you do business, go to Construction-Contract.net and click on your state. Some […]

  3. E-Sign Your Construction Contracts

    I’ve been asked, “Can I get my contracts E-signed — send my contract to a client as an email attachment, get an electronic signature and then have the E-signed contract emailed back to me?” The short answer is “Yes.” And it makes good sense. If you draft contracts with your computer, it’s easy to get […]

  4. Why Contractors Like ADR

    Construction disputes usually start with a surprise – something nobody considered. A good contract anticipates the most likely surprises. But no contract is perfect. Occasionally you’re going to have a dispute. If you write the contract, you decide how disputes will be settled – either in court or by arbitration. If your contract requires arbitration, […]

  5. Insurance Repair Work in Illinois

    Starting January 1, 2012, residential contractors in Illinois have to jump through another hoop. If any part of a job may be covered by insurance proceeds, section 513/18 of Illinois’ Home Repair and Remodeling Act will require a special notice in the contract and extra cancellation forms. Section 513/18 applies if: The work is on […]

  6. A.I.A. Contracts vs. ConsensusDOCS

    In April 2009, Bennett Builders signed a contract to remodel the Stamford, CT home of Tarun Mehta. It was a cost plus job at a price not to exceed $446,900. Under the agreement, work was to be completed by October 2009. Over a year later, work still wasn’t done and Mehta terminated the agreement. Bennett […]

  7. Truth-in-Lending for Contractors

    Most contractors don’t get into the money-lending business – at least not on purpose. Contractors want to be paid in full when the work is done. But at least occasionally, you’re going to bump into the Federal Truth-in-Lending (T-I-L) Act. Here’s how it happens: You’re bidding a job for a homeowner and: Offer to take […]

  8. Contracts for Insurance Restoration

    Last week I had a chance to interview Paul Bianchina, author of the new book, Insurance Restoration Contracting. Excerpts from that interview: Moselle: What’s different about insurance repair contracts? Bianchina: Insurance carriers expect nothing but professionalism from their contractors. If you want to do insurance work, plan to comply with every local, state, and federal […]

  9. Changes in Construction Contract Law

    Every state sets standards for construction contacts. For residential work, most states require very specific notices and disclosures. Heavy penalties apply to contractors who ignore these requirements. Click here and then click on your state to see what the law in your state requires. Contract requirements in your state depend on the type of job […]

  10. Tips for Solar Contractors

    Most of solar installation contracts I’ve seen are pretty weak. They don’t cover the essentials and won’t hold up in court. Here’s why. Solar installation is construction contracting. No state exempts solar work from compliance with construction contract law. From what I’ve seen, solar contractors don’t understand that yet. Whether structured as a lease, a […]

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