

  1. More on HomeAdvisor (ANGI)

    More on HomeAdvisor (ANGI) If you’re a residential contractor, you’ve probably been solicited by HomeAdvisor, better known as Angi or Angi’s List. HomeAdvisor was back in the news last week. A federal court certified a class of “service providers” authorized to bring suit against HomeAdvisor. If you’ve paid HomeAdvisor for annual membership or leads in […]
  2. Every Contract Requires a Meeting of the Minds

    Every Contract Requires a Meeting of the Minds Dr. Julie Clark, a Tennessee veterinarian, wanted to fix up her home before selling. After a meeting on site, Dr. Clark selected Jeffrey Givens, a handyman, to do the work. According to Dr. Clark, she agreed to pay Givens $9,775 for a total of four tasks: $8,500 […]
  3. Get Reimbursed for Your Attorney Fees

    Get Reimbursed for Your Attorney Fees: Dianne Lee bought a new home in Contra Costs County, just east of San Francisco Bay. Her new house didn’t have a pool. And she wanted some exterior improvements. Dianne selected David Cardiff of Advantage Pools Bay Area to do the work: a pool and spa for $88,400, a […]
  4. Lame Contract is Worse Than No Contract at All

    When a job goes bad, you better have a good contract. That’s a point emphasized many times on these pages. But a New York case decided last month offers an interesting twist on this theme. When a Syracuse, NY job went south, the contractor claimed the agreement he drafted was void and unenforceable. Let’s see […]
  5. Bad Contract, Good Result

    Frank Salame owns a home in Pomona, California. Eleven months out of the year, Frank works in Lebanon as an engineer on building projects. When no one is home in Pomona, Frank has a friend, Antoinette Auon, look after his house. While Frank was in Lebanon, neighbors noticed a liquid leaking from under the garage […]
  6. Rocket Lawyer Contract in Maryland

    Laura and Daniel Holland wanted a custom home built on their Pocomoke City, Maryland dairy farm. They selected an architect to draw plans for a 3,912 SF residence. After several rounds of negotiations and changes, Don Littleton of Wicked Professional Services Inc. (WPS) agreed to build the house for $700,250. Don emailed Ms. Holland a […]
  7. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

    Every contractor knows the temptation: use cash from job A to cover expenses on job B. That’s called diversion of funds. It’s perfectly legal in some states and a crime in others. But it’s not good business in any state. The Massachusetts case of Damian Anketell illustrates my point.
  8. What does your standard contract say about interest on late payments?

    What does your standard contract say about interest on late payments? If little or nothing, you may be making an expensive mistake. Here’s an example.
  9. National Estimator Cloud Quarterly Cost Update Summary - JULY 2022

    Craftsman’s National Estimator Cloud includes 10 costbooks which are updated quarterly. Here’s a partial summary of recent costbook-specific updates. CONSTRUCTION, JULY 2022 — sections (and pages) updated: OSB  (203) Plywood (202-204, 460) Carpentry (32-37, 39-51, 56-57, 61-62, 67, 98-100, 283, 331, 389-397, 403, 476, 591, 593) Concrete Formwork (87-89, 93, 338-346, 352-353, 360, 363-369, 377-378) Framing […]
  10. A Contractor Does it Right – and Saves Thousands.

    Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill Most of my blog posts are about missed opportunities — how a good contract could have avoided a costly mistake. But occasionally, a contractor does it right – and saves thousands. Consider a case decided last week by a Ventura, CA court. Plyley v. Renovating Specialist, Inc. (RSI). […]

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